noise master rec.
noise master zine
exit prod
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RABIES BANDZONE RABIES BANDCAMP RIP-OFF ![]() 28.12. 2024 Chemnitz, Subbotnik bar: RABIES, TOLE 15.3. 2025 VOM Records, Bangkok, Thailand 21.3. 2025 Immortal Bar, Bangkok, Thailand 25.3. 2025 Atlantis Metal Bar, Siem Reap, Cambodia 28.3. 2025 Noisy Chili Tap House & Craft Beer Garden, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 30.3. 2025 SaigOn Kick, Saigon/Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam 19.4. 2025 Terezín near Tábor (start 19:00): RABIES, WOLANT, ZEMĚŽLUČ, STARÁ PEŠATOVÁ, NO MORE HIROSHIMA 1.5. 2025 Praha, bar Myslíš?: RABIES, DISCHAVIZER (Brazil), KUNTA KINTE 10.5. 2025 Domažlice: RABIES... more info later 15.6. 2025 Plzeň: RABIES... more info later Future: Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Chille, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay. Mongolia, India, Bangladesh, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, Philippines For organizers: - we need lend guit.box - we need lend bass box - we need lend stands for cymbals, kick drum, chair... - we need money on gas - band will be play circa 15 - 20 min. music ![]() |
---------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRIBUTION ! DISTRIBUTION Small distribution of the vinyls, tapes and other merch on sale / trade: 1x split 12" shape S.U.S.U. / RABIES (2x extreme hardcore from CZ) 2x AL DAHAS - State of boredom 7" flexi (punk fastcore power violence from Qatar) 1x DVD SILENT NIGHT BLOODY NIGHT (TICHÁ NOC, KRVAVÁ NOC) 26.12. 2024 The first part of the studio is finished. Only the vocals are missing... Thank you to Honza / Hellsound. We are preparing new merch. 20.10. 2024 Preparations for the tour of Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam continue. The tour will take place at the turn of March and April. ...Cam on...Saum arkoun... Tang kiw. 22.6. 2024 Thanks for nice show at the Pallasit fest. We apologize for the absence of our girl singer. Unfortunately, the disease does not choose.. 8.10. 2023 First part the tour with SKARNIO was excellent!!! Nice venues, big atmosphere!!! Thanks to all the organizers! SKARNIO..., OBRIGADO !!!. 27.8. 2023 Now is out NOISE MASTER #39. You can check on it noise master zine. 10.3. 2023 Brazil tour was amazing! Obrigado - Thanx for all. 24.12. 2022 Now is out NOISE MASTER #38. You can check on it noise master zine. 15.11. 2022 Karolina ex-BEHIND THE CEMETERY WALL, started singing with us. 2.2. 2022 Now is out split 12" RABIES / GARAPAL. Thanx for all. 1.1. 2022 Hi everybody! In year 2021: was released on Noise Master flexi 7" Qatar punk fastcore power violence band called AL DAHAS. Noise Master fanzine no.36 and no. 37. Ufff. Take a look at the section noise master rec. and noise master zine. Hard year. The first show in 2022 (8.January) will be in Tábor city. RABIES / GARAPAL na 12"LP will be 5.1. 2022. El (vocal) is still on maternity leave. Now he sings Syky. 30.5. 2021 Now is out NOISE MASTER zine # 36. Interview with Bilos, ORBAN, SKIPLIFE, label Dysphoricam Audio, Bob (Malaysia/Singapore, Michele (Italy). Report "Chmelovárek" by Siki about beer and trek report from GR 221 (Mallorca) by Líný Čuně. Bio: JUNKYARD LIPSTICK and ING (South Africa), FLYING WAR and UNDER ASSAULT (Paraguay) and SOASHYANT (Iran). 98 pages / A5. 29.1. 2021 Hello, we look for labels for cooperation. We prepare vinyl record!!!! 5.3. 2020 Big thanx for help.... Thanx: Singapore and Malaysia!!! 26.1. 2020 SE Asia tour 2020 coming soon. RABIES / CHRUP (Singapore, Malaysia). Thanx to Kimi, Parthiban and Hasib. Preparing: double-sided t-shirts, split MC CHRUP / RABIES (CHRUP = 5 trax, RABIES = 34 trax and 1 bonus collaboration trax), 3" CDr with 10 new trax, 3" shape CDr with 4 new trax, small patch (new design) and 6 different pins. 17.3. 2019 Thanx HIROSHIMA NIGHTMARE for invitation at Třebín, was it perfect. All video from our noise attack you find (here) - including bonus songs with El on vocal. Update section "noise master rec.": updated photo the RABIES boxu. We are trying to arrange a few gigs in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. 9.3. 2019 We have t-shirts, check section "records". Back patches - sold out. 20.2. 2019 New t-shirts soon. Patches still available. We are working on new songs. 15.1. 2019 After 22 year left from RABIES, bass player Koloděj. Thanx for all years in undead noise. 28.12. 2018 v/a TÝNFEST: KOMPILACE VLTAVOTÝNSKÉHO ROCKU 2018 on CD (digipack) is out! More info in section "records" 28.9. 2018 Video from Grind and Mosh 3 (Dharan, Nepal) (here) Video from Grind and Mosh 3 (Dharan, Nepal) (here) Video from Grind and Mosh 3 (Dharan, Nepal) (here) RABIES from 28:42 14.9. 2018 We're trying to record some new songs for v/a CD Týnfest 2018 29.4. 2018 Last change... We will play only one show in Nepal... On Grind and Mosh v Dharam city / Nepal. We have 4 new design pins. So, one small patch with new design and we prepare new t-shirts. 7.7. 2017 He works hard on a smaller tour: Dubai + Nepal. Brothers in trick, ONANIZER continue to Bangladesh and India. 21.5. 2017 Soon, new information will be added to the RABIES boxes. After a long pause, a 7 " South America (3x band) vs. Czech (4x band) band. 7.12. 2016 YES, 20 years ON STAGE!!! BEFORE 20 YEARS WE ARE START PLAY NOISE WITH RABIES.... 22.10. 2016 The twentieth anniversary of the band, RABIES... Ltd. 5" lathe cut (20x na clear and 20x black). Check stream: Rabies youtube Yes, now out pover violence from Prague, FLUMMOX. Ltd. clear 8" - lathe cut. 22pcs. Check stream: Flummox youtube 20.7. 2016 Hopefully soon be out of a separate limited edition 40pcs 5" of the RABIES. Vinyl version of v/a compilation called POSLOUCHÁTE JIŽNÍ ČECHY, is still uncertain. 20.12. 2015 RABIES BOX has another bonus. Number 1 - 4 contains split 7" RABIES / KLUTZ. And number 1 additionally contains bottle port wine a.k.a. Terror Noise Division (0,7 liter). 8.12. 2015 Massive update past few numbers fanzine Noise Master. No graphics, only text (website punkgen.sk find a few old numbers scanned). Check section "noise master zine". 30.11. 2015 Yeah, ohh. Added cut version NOISE MASTER ´zine #26, 27 (full version as xerox paper fanzine). Only Czech and still without graphic, only text. Check section "noise master zine". 13.11. 2015 Now is out split 7" RABIES / KLUTZ.... Check bandcamp... Slow pace is going to separate lathe cut 5" RABIES. Slow pace is going to separate v/a Posloucháte Jižní Čechy vol.4 Slow pace is going to two lathe cut - 8" formats 17.7. 2015 v/a POSLOUCHÁTE JIŽNÍ ČECHY vol.2 LP "de-luxe limit d.i.y. a.k.a. kinder/baby d.i.y. hand" Black vinyl 40 min. with GRIDE, PRESSBOIL, P.M.L.Z., DEZINFEKCE, RADIOLOKÁTOR, MURUROA, S.O.S. a DEN ZA DNEM. Ltd.11 Check section "noise master rec." for photos. 9.7. 2015 So, at the end of the holiday season will be the long-awaited split 7 "Rabies / Klutz on light noise. Ltd. 300 pieces. DIY package done. Wait and receive their copies to. 6.2. 2015 We have next page, check RABIES BANDCAMP 17.1. 2015 Maybe v/a POSLOUCHÁTE JIŽNÍ ČECHY will not 7", but 12", we´ll see... LOOKING LABELS!!!!! Added Christmas ceramic ornament (RABIES foto alá RAMMONES) into RABIES BOX, #1 20.12. 2014 Filip, thanx for Týnfest 2014. With this fest we got to the CD mapping bands that were performing. All the bands are connected by some members of the town Tyn nad Vltavou. On the CD, each band after one song. A total of 16 bands. Namely, after consultation: RENTGEN, DESIRE FOR SORROW, RABIES, A5, CARPATHIA, GANG SAMA BOOGIE, MORAX, RAPE CORPSE, TEMNÁ VÝŠEŇ, TURANDOT, UNITED FRONT, VLNA, VOTOM, WITH, MONOTONIC STEREOTYPE, KAPYBARA. 3.9. 2014 We have again in distribution split 12" shape S.U.S.U. / RABIES. Trade are welcome!!! v/a POSLOUCHÁTE JIŽNÍ ČECHY: bands are selected. Will now follow search labels!!! 25.8. 2014 Three songs from split 12" w/S.U.S.U. are on to the Costa Rican radio called Subsuleo S.A. Our songs and S.U.S.U. songs are from circa 26 minutes. Here is link on radio. 11.8. 2014 - So, we have come a visit to the studio. Again, we were in HELLSOUND. Uploaded 15 tracks and 9 minutes in the ass, haha. Part of the track will split 7 "with Klutz. Individuals who are interested in working together, please contact us. Recordings second part will appear in the next split 7". But it later. - Mp3 section were added to two samples from studio - preparing a new number for 28, NOISE MASTER'zine. - v/a 7" POSLOUCHÁTE JIŽNÍ ČECHY vol.4 - looking labels for cooperation. 23.4. 2014 Added new lyrics..., up date section CD for sale,etc. 23.3. 2014 Now out...., new issue NOISE MASTER #27 16.3. 2014 - thanks to the good people to show up on a lot of concerts. We produce a lot of noise. - During the summer, you probably find yourself in the studio shoot a few minutes of noise. 19.2. 2014 NOISE LATHE TERROR-RECORDS: one-sided 5" RABIES (not for sale - strictly limited - special box) 2.1. 2014 Up-date distribution: split 7" GRIDE / ABORTION and split 7" RABIES / ČAD and RABIES / DISTURBANCE PROJECT. 1.12. 2013 Added rewiews on split 7ep RABIES / CHULO and split LP RABIES / STAND UP SPEAK UP!. Check section reviews. 19.10. 2013 Added new items in distro list - MURUROA / BAIXO CALAO, BEHIND THE CEMETERY WALL / KAOSQUAD Both vinyl - LP. 31.5. 2013 Added new bonus into RABIES BOX #1,3 and 4. 6.1. 2013 Added new review on split 12" RABIES / STAND UP SPEAK UP! and update section noise master zine + added lyrics + up-date section noise master records and exit production. Plus added two songs from split 7" w/CHULO. 30.9. 2012 Added link on promo video (Split 7" RABIES / CHULO), up! Coming new issue NOISE MASTER ´zine (numero 25) - only Czech language, interviews: CELLGRAFT (USA), CONTROLLED EXISTENCE (CZ), CHULO (Colombia) and CULTURE OF DEATH (CZ). 22.8. 2012 New stuffs in distrubution (vinyls) and update section "links", section "noise master rec." and section "exit prod.". 10.6. 2012 We have old song called Nikdy (+ intro) on v/a LP Pallasit. More info about LP you find on Pope´s ass Productions (http://sites.google.com/site/popesass/) and here in section "records". 27.5. 2012 NOISE MASTER RECORDS / ZINE at Discogs link. EXIT PRODUCTIONS too link and of course RABIES too link 5.5. 2012 On this link you find promo video to split LP RABIES / S.U.S.U. Thanx a lot Poly! 18.4. 2012 On the 4th of April, 2012 from noisy depths arose split LP RABIES/STAND UP SPEAK UP! 12" in colour foggy design, shaped as a diamond grindstone, brings 15 new heavy grinding songs by RABIES and 7 black tower hardcore songs by S.U.S.U.! On 45 rpm you can look forward to an explosive sound. For fans of fast, grinding and power violence spinning styles and for fans of fast hard core attacks enriched with gorgeous female vocal and flute, grounded by heavy-duty slow vigorousness and strange aroma. Just remember this if you have to mix up one of the most extreme styles to unorthodox vinyl format with unorthodox interpretation of mentioned styles, you are at the right address. Noise doesn't end noise is transformed to a 12" shape vinyl. Hard core is about extremes, hard core is about knowing. 4.4. 2012 Today I received split RABIES / S.U.S.U. (barevný "haze" 12") It´s not classic vinyl! This split is shape!!! Please, you check web, soon more info! 21.1. 2012 Yeah, I received NOISE MASTER fanzine #24. Format A5, 76 pages, classic xerox. Interview w/ K.Z.O., KRAOST, B.T.C.W., MINERAL COLLAPS and TRASHEARTH. All bands from Czech. Review and reports... 21.10. 2011 Yeah, I received NOISE MASTER fanzine #23. Format A5, 72 pages, classic xerox. Interview w/ CONOPED (CZ), ŽMOLEK (CZ), OBACHA (Canada), GYMNASTIC SKULL WHISTLING (Malaysia)and WICKED SUFFER (Indonesia). Review and reports.... And story from -273,15/Zbyna. 17.9. 2011 ...Added 4 new lyrics, (Stíny, Poznat sám sebe, Had and Válečník) in section "lyrics". ...Added two new songs from last session in studio Hellsound (10. - 11. 9. 2011). Songs: Válečník + Žijeme pouze pro úspěch. 16.9. 2011 ...26 new songs recorded! On BZ profil (http://bandzone.cz/rabiesvzteklina) are two new songs. Here will be same two songs later, in section called, mp3. ...15.9. 2011 I received Noise Master ´zine #22. Classic xerox obout 64 pages. Interview: KAOSQUAD, APPÄRATUS, STAND UP-SPEAK UP! and with Pavel Ď. obout Crush the silence records. Inside big public inquiry about reviews too... Reports from gigs and travel book from Thailand, by Siki. But still only Czech language!!! 4.9. 2011 10. - 11. 9. 2011 we will in Hellsound studio. Uahhh, noise still alive! 4.9. 2011 Uf, on NOISE MASTER Records will be (2012) 12"LP BEHIND THE CEMETERY WALL / KAOSQUAD!!! 17.7.2011 New RABIES video from Rock pod Hrází Fest (and songs: Pravda s otazníkem + Období klidu + Vzteklina + Skandál) here. 25.5.2011 Added two new lyrics (Karneval a Bez naděje na naději) in section "lyrics". 15.5.2011 Two our old songs (Po použití znehodnoťte a Degradace života) are on online v/a Slovakia and Czech hc/punk bands. v/a Eco Defense 9 download link here. Next info and more you find here. 13.3.2011 Added new lyrics in section "lyrics". We prepare new songs for split LP with S.O.S. (Czech band). We will do record this year. 13.11.2010 Short info about my trip across SE Asia and maybe any photos, you find here (only Czech) Start is 15.November 2010 7.11.2010 From gig in club K2, České Budějovice, exist videos with two songs Hradba z iluzí a Prodané životy 14.9.2010 Next videos of the RABIES. From Dresden 4.9. 2010. Videos are incomplete! RABIES_Pravda s otazníkem and RABIES_Prodané životy 1.9.2010 >>>Now out: Punk-rock without borders pt.6 on CDr with RABIES..., check section records. >>>Now out on NOISE MASTER Rec.: v/a LP POSLOUCHÁTE JIŽNÍ ČECHY vol.3 with bands B.T.C.W., S.U.S.U., KATARAKTA, K.Z.O., RESORT, HIROSHIMA NIGHTMARE, LIVER GARNISH, BUT, FLAŠKA VISOČINI, ÜNFARKT a ROTTEN BRATS. Check section noise master rec. >>>Now out... version 2 of the RABIES BOX.... Added puzzle (RABIES live photo). Version 2 only for box number one. 8.6.2010 Now out 21 issue NOISE MASTER zine. 120 pages format A5, ONLY CZECH!!! From contents: interview with INFECTED (Brazil), WHÖLE IN THE HEAD (U.K.), BARREL (CZ), EXORCIZPHOBIA (CZ), PROTEST UNDERGROUND NOISE KAOS (Portugal), FLAŠKA VISOČINI (CZ), RAPIDA MUERTE (CZ), ROTTEN BRATS (CZ), DISBEATLESS (CZ), ÜNFARKT (CZ), B.S.E. (CZ), BOB (CZ), BUT (CZ), POSLEDNÍ SLOVO (CZ), MIDCLASS CRISIS (CZ), FASTERATU (CZ), MARCH OF THE HORDES (CZ), CRIPPLE KORPS (CZ), SHAMBLES + FETISH PARADE (CZ) and ALEA IACTA EST (Slovakia). Next: review, report from Noise fest - Ljubljana, scene report from Yogyakarta (Indonesia), diary by -273,15ky from Cottonwod trail and bio bands as H.R.A. (USA), GOVERNMENT ALPHA (Japan), MERCILESS (Sweden), DAS KRILL (Germany), CHOKE COCOI (Philippines), THE NEOS (Canada), IMPERIUM (Marocco), THE WANKYS (U.K.), POST MORTEM (USA), SLAUGHTER (Canada) a MOTÖR MILITIA (Bahrain). 7.6.2010 Link on video canal from Sykyho: SYKY: YOU TUBE VIDEO Link on photo canal from Sykyho: SYKY: PHOTO Link on photo canal from Mařenka: MAŘENKA: PHOTO 5.6.2010 1. Check CD for sale, because a lot CDs is sold out.... 2. Added next video, this time new song called "Fuck off". Video is from camp Rechle. And one by one..., here´s all video the RABIES. RABIES_Fuck off RABIES: YOU TUBE RABIES_Krátký, rychlý a hlasitý: YOU TUBE and RABIES_Prodané životy: YOU TUBE both from Sušice fest 2009. Shortened videos, sorry. RABIES_Jsi shnilej + Není to tak těžký Písek, Pí club 30.10. 2009 Link on legendar gig from Uničov (THANX A LOT LUIS!): RABIES Link on special gig from Lipanovice: RABIES_Jsi shnilej Link on Garáž, 5.6. 2010: RABIES_Pusť si radši desku Link on Stará Kovárna, Štoky near Jihlava 18.6. 2010: RABIES_Armageddon + Krátký, rychlý a hlasitý + Jsi shnilej + Slepota 6.3.2010 On end of February Eliška left from us. But is big probability that she will sing any local show!!! DESTROY CONTINUES!!! 15.12.2009 NOISE MASTER RECORDS - now out - 5 ltd. special wooden edition "RABIES box" for 13 anniversary. More about box you find in section noise master rec. And added new lyrics in section lyrics. 14.11.2009 Arrive - section CD for sale!!!! 1.11.2009 Next videos RABIES on You Tube from club Pí, Písek (30.10. 2009). Two songs called Jsi shnilej and Není to tak těžký. Here it´s: RABIES_Jsi shnilej + Není to tak těžký 24.10.2009 On You tube - next two videos RABIES (two songs: Krátký, rychlý a hlasitý + Prodané životy) from Sušice fest, a little cut video, sorry: RABIES_Krátký...: YOU TUBE a RABIES_Prodané...: YOU TUBE 1.10.2009 Now is out v/a LP POSLOUCHÁTE JIŽNÍ ČECHY 2. Bands from South Bohemia - area Prachatice, Český Krumlov and České Budějovice. As bonus area is Písek. New songs, circa 40 min. Black vinyl (315pcs with b/w cover) and colour (210pcs with colour cover). Bands: GRIDE, PRESSBOIL, RADIOLOKÁTOR, DEN ZA DNEM, DEZINFEKCE, P.M.L.Z., S.O.S. and MURUROA. Raw hardcore, crust, grindcore, hardcore/metal core. 4.8.2009 Hey, new video RABIES you can check on you tube: RABIES: YOU TUBE 29.3.2009 We have four RABIES buttons. Each button different motive. Buttons was made only 20pcs. You check here. 29.2.2009 As ticket for Zittau show will be comp.LP. This comp.LP will be ltd. 28.1.2009 Big updated all parts...!!!! 28.10.2008 Now out v/a LP called POSLOUCHÁTE JIŽNÍ ČECHY, more info in section records. Price is 250 Czech crown / 10 Euro (only 3pcs ltd.) 20.9.2008 >>>>Now we can again play live show!!!<<<< >>>>Now out LP comp. called Play fast or don´t, with songs from us "Proč", "Není to hra", "Žiješ jenom jednou", "Změna" and cover from DROPDEAD "At the cost of an animal"<<<< 3.8.2008 NOISE MASTER zine # 19 distribution: Project Prod. (Luis.Stimpi@seznam.cz), Rauha Turva Distribution (honzaherbert@centrum.cz), Insane Society Rec. (barvak@insanesociety.net), Hitchin to Revolution Rec. (ska.narchist@seznam.cz) 17.7.2008 Now out 19 issue NOISE MASTER zine. From contents: interview with B.I.H. (Brazil), PRESSBOIL (Czech), HANTAMRATA (Indonesia), RUIDO PODRIDO (Spain), PREPARED TO KILL (Brazil), RAUHA TURVA Rec. (Czech), OBSESIF x KOMPULSIF (Indonesia) and POŽADOVANÝ STAV MYSLI (Czech). A lot reviews, live reports and biography bands as A.D.A. (Philippines), DEFECT (Makedonia), ACRASSICAUDA (Iraq), STANDFAST (Philippines), HIPPIE KILLER (Slovakia), MENTAL DEVELOPMENT (Makedonia) and EXECUTION OF TERROR (Philippines). Live report from Noise fest 2008 and tour reports HIBAKUSHA / DEPRESY MOUSE, RABIES / P.P.M.H. and DEPRESY MOUSE / RABIES. Only Czech!!!: rabies-noise@volny.cz 11.1.2008 We will have one song on comp. CDr and tape, benefit for club Futra / Orlová city. 18.5.2007 We are back in home... Tour with DEPRESY MOUSE was fucking cool !!! We have any buttons and patches of RABIES. Artwork is different. Price: buttons and patches 0,80,-€. Below is schedule tour... 27.4. Gunzburg (Germany) 28.4. Day off 29.4. Day off 30.4. San Sebastian (Spain) 1.5. Llodio (Spain) 2.5. Madrid / Mostoles (Spain) 3.5. Day off 4.5. Day off 5.5. Valencia (Spain) 6.5. Barcelona (Spain) - canceled 7.5. Montbrison (France) 8.5. Day off 9.5. Freiburg (Germany) 10.5. Weimar (Germany) 11.5. Leipzig (Germany) 12.5. Teplice (Czech) 7.12.2006 Today it´s 10 years, who this noises band called RABIES, met for this purpose do noise - hurray, glory...... 1.12.2006 25.11. we played good show with new face in RABIES. New vocal / new singer-girl, her name is El. 17.9.2006 >>>On web pages French label KAWAII you can download three MP3: Útěk z reality + Mimo dosah naděje and Poslední krok <<< >>>We finish too groundwork for discography CDr or CD or tape, for Indonesian label called TERKUBUR HIDUP. And for discography CDr, for Australian label called SMELL THE STENCH.<<< 27.1.2006 On web page ZNIČME BARIÉRY DIY CREW ORLOVÁ http://zbcrew.wz.cz you find photos "not only" from our show, from 20.1.2006. 16.6.2005 Check Swedish on-line zine ATTACK - there is an interview with Rabies in May issue. It is devoted mostly to Czech scene - www.attackfanzine.net/rabies.htm. Click here www.attackfanzine.net for more info. You can enjoy a lot of scene reports from all over the world, a lot of photos and so on. reviews Read Rabies reviews from czech and foreign press - here Expression of thanks - belongs on top to Jana /www/ for web pages and also to Martina Z., Venca Kutnar a Zbyňa (-273,15) for english translations. |